Saturday, July 27, 2013

Curtains, curtains, curtains...

Today I finished a project!!!!  I finished my bedroom curtains!  Simple, but new, fresh and clean! 

Yes, they are simple, but I like them.  I like them so much that my entire house is going to be done in these simple panel curtains.  Different colors and patterns, of course, but in this primitive style.  I have three rooms already done...

Here is my painted and clean bathroom.

I have yet to make my shower curtain, but the monochromatic color scheme makes my bathroom look a bit larger than it is.  I have other material I am going to make for curtains here, too.  A colorful floral, but this curtain will do for now!  :)

My computer room was in complete disarray prior to my step daughter's visit.

It has since been decluttered and rearranged a bit.  I also made the primitive curtains out of some material that I already had....I think it looks much better.

Tons of paper, books and junk went out the front door in trash bags for the dump and boxes to a home school book store to be sold.   The room actually has an echo!  :)

There is still much to do around the house, but I do believe a nice large dent has been made.  I was hoping to get the entire inside of the house painted by September, but I don't know.  Painting takes time....lots of time.  We will see....

My husband and my son has worked hard this morning mowing and edging the lawn.  It was nice a cool this morning so it wasn't so unbearable for them.  The house has been vacuumed and I am getting ready to cut up some peppers from my garden.  I am hoping to get to BJ's today and maybe to Home Depot.  Tomorrow is the LORD's Day and I plan on getting some must needed rest! 

Have a great day!

Friday, July 26, 2013

Friday morning ponderings....

I am sitting here at my dining room table sipping on a hot cup of coffee once again.  Every morning starts the same way...sitting at my dining room table sipping on a hot cup of coffee.  Sigh...

For the past few days I have been hand sewing my bedroom curtains while watching The Hobbit and all three other Peter Jackson "Ring" series.  I am about to start the Star Wars series...I am down to the hemming of the curtains.  My fingers are so sore, but I have enjoyed the process of my ancestral mother's tasks.  I don't think I have done a great job, but I like what I see so far. 

Yesterday was so gray until about 5 p.m.  Then the sun came out and the world was bright and beautiful.  The rains have terribly affected my yellow squash plants.  I am pulling them all today.  My corn isn't up to snuff either.  It is sad looking actually.  The sweet potatoes are ready to be pulled I think...They are very small.  I have gotten a few green bell peppers as deformed as they can be.  I am going to pull my garden as soon as I can and then compost it, cover it with black plastic and let it rest for the fall.  Obviously my soil is in need of replenishing and rest....a new kind of R and R!  :)

Sometimes I wonder if gardening is really worth it.  It takes up so much time and I have not been able to give it my time for the past few years.  This year is because of all the work inside the house.  Next year will be all the work outside the house...Lord Willing....  My survival does not depend on my garden, at least not yet.  Therefore, everything else takes priority.  Sad, but true.  I am terribly disappointed in my gardens and my so called gardening skills.  I look at a friend's garden on line and just cringe at the thought of mine.  Oh well, maybe someday.

I am beginning to wonder if everything I do is kind of worthless.  In one area of Christendom  I am right on target...or at least aiming in the right direction.  In another area of Christendom I am totally off the mark.  I sure wish there was a happy medium.  I know there must be...somewhere. 

Is it wrong to want a nice clean living environment?  Nothing fancy...just a clean homey dwelling to call "home"?  Jesus had no place to lay his head.  Is it wrong to support people from afar through prayer and small financial gifts?  Jesus was in full time God and God alone kind of work.  Is my little world for His Glory or my reputation?  Would I look back and turn into salt, too?  (Sitting here at my dining room table can be...well...thought provoking.)

Anyway, another day that the LORD has given me...hemming and shopping are on the agenda for today. 


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Me oh My......

I am sitting here at my dining room table making a shopping list and sipping on a hot cup of coffee while the washer and dryer are laboring on their first loads of the day.  There is much to be done...

For the past several weeks I have battled a sinus infection, right ear infection, bronchitis, depression and feeling totally overwhelmed.  I have wanted to declutter my home for a couple of years now.  I have also wanted the rooms of my little bungalow to have a fresh coat of paint.  The problem with all these wants?  I have to do them all by myself!  No help, hence the overwhelmed feeling leading to depression.

We received a call from my husband's eldest daughter, Susan; she and her husband and three daughters wish to come and visit and stay at our place.  Yikes!!! 

Depression, I believe, causes dirt, dust and yuck to accumulate.   It also causes nasty films to appear on bathroom walls, sinks, toilets, tubs and floors, as well as, every window in a home.  Corners become a catch all for every tracked in leaf, pine needle or freshly mowed grass!  Dust bunnies become full grown brown camouflaged RABBITS and they multiply....quickly!  Doors become so smudged and dirty that one cannot really remember the original color.  Yep...depression is a dirty business!

Cure for the depression nasties....A visit that includes a beautiful young granddaughter adopted from China and THE set of familial longed for twin cuties that one has never personally met.  Yep...that will get one's depressed hinny off the couch and into frantic action!!!  :)

While I was sick...the bathroom got painted, curtains got made, the impassable computer room was decluttered and scrubbed until it shined.  As I was healing from all my ailments...each room suffered the same fate of an unexpected visit!  Walls, woodwork and floors washed.  Ceilings, furniture, knick knacks dusted.  Windows cleaned.  Doors scrubbed.  My little bungalow is almost ready for all the pink that will be flooding my home this Wednesday!

Yesterday was clean my son's room day.   Oy Vay!!!  I have never seen so much dust!  No wonder he wakes up with a stuffy nose!  After debriding his floors, window and behind every piece of furniture--I do believe that his room was and is painted with a lighter color than what I have been seeing for the last year or so!  We packed up all his prized possessions and put them (temporarily) in the attic.  Legos and 18 month olds do not go well together.  I must say that I am amazed that I do not like the sparseness of his room.  All that makes my son's room reflect my son is gone....I would rather have the Legos, Nerf guns, sports paraphernalia covering his room....It communicates life!  My son's life!  So, I am not going to moan when everything comes back down from the holding space between me and the sky.  I kind of miss it!!!

Today is errand day...Good Will, Moore's Expression, Dollar store, BJ's and Walmart.  Well, at least I will be out of the house!  

Here I am running around trying to make my little world clean, fresh and orderly....the world around me seems to be falling apart.    Egypt, Syria, and even the streets of my own country seems to be joining the chaotic party!  I was sort of wandering what would cause turmoil in America----and of course, it would be a racial issue.  Sigh...Governments are falling and the disgruntled of USA are flooding the streets over a media frenzied racially charged murder case that ended in a not guilty verdict.  We are so.....American!  

Babies are being killed everyday in abortion clinics and there is no real outcry!   Our sports figures, celebrities, and government officials are paid so much money that it is sickening while our military, teachers, firemen, policemen, and other public servants are barely hanging on with no relief in sight.  Our country (and world for that matter) is going down and going down fast!!!  Come Lord Jesus, Come!

While our privileged are being pampered....our poor are praying.  Praying for make it to the end of the month...for jobs....   This may not be such a bad thing least they are looking for God to supply their needs.  I do believe the harvest IS ripe, not only in the USA, but also the world.  Watch closely....times like these are just what satan is looking for in order to bring out the Antichrist.  What better place to start but in America!  The richest, most spoiled and pampered country in all the world!  
