Wednesday, January 16, 2013

They are new every morning....

[They are] new every morning: great [is] thy faithfulness. 

This verse is from Lamentations 3:23.  The book of affliction written by the prophet Jeremiah.  He and the Jewish nation had much to lament about, but in the midst of everything that God was allowing in Israel...Jeremiah was reminding them and us that God's mercies are new every morning and  His faithfulness is great!!!  I find this so comforting this morning as I sit her and ponder my day.

I have allowed satan to thwart my thoughts and obedience to my Heavenly Father, and not only does this sadden me, but it also maddens me.  So, for today (this is all that I am promised) I am resolving to love the LORD my God with all my heart, all my soul and all my strength.  Yes!!

It is a very gray, rainy and cold day outside my little bungalow, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, I want to serve God by making it sunny, pleasant and warm inside my little bungalow.  This is my calling for today..January 16, 2013.

There are chores to be done, with a cheerful heart.  Homeschooling also, with a cheerful heart.  All of these things are gifts from the for my hands, work for my brain, work for my family = work for God.  I have forgotten this equation over the past few years.  I am sorry for this.

Yes..there is much for me to do today.

Pick up and put away
Make my bed
Do some laundry-from start to finish
Clean the kitchen
Clean the bathroom
Vacuum the floors
Dust the furniture

Schooling lessons with Seth

A time of rest for me with a nice cup of tea

Then prepare supper.

Tonight my son goes to Royal Rangers.
Oh, I am still deeply concerned for my wayward daughter...I will pray, praise, and pray some more for her during my day, but satan isn't going to pierce me with his lying darts and arrows today.  I have my Heavenly Father's mercy and His steadfast love today and forever!


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