Spring cleaning is in its third day and I was excited for the production of the day--but it has not been as I had wished. All though, any deep cleaning done is a positive step forward and I did get two cabinets cleaned and rearranged!
I changed my cabinets around so the space can be utilized better. You would not believe that these two cabinets were jammed packed. I threw away one whole trash bag of expired canned goods and old spices.... As you can see, I have an empty shelf! I refused to take before pictures, so you are just going to have to take my word concerning how bad these cabinets were. They look nice and clean now! :)
We had a long day with our schooling lessons. My son was in a very playful mood, but we managed to get everything done and he did fairly well. I was pleased with everything but his reading, of course...this is on an on going issue.
So, what actually took up all my time this afternoon? The computer...actually, I was looking on line to buy some more handwriting workbooks for my son which lead me to look for the curriculum I want to use next year. I found most of what I was looking for....but I really want to spend time in prayer about it.
I have been wanting to do an intensive Bible centered curriculum with a Messianic Jewish bent to it. I am leaning towards Ancient History: Adam to Messiah , by Robin Sampson. This is a unit study which includes "Bible, history, geography, literature, government, composition, agriculture, religion, science, economics, and more." It is a multigrade curriculum. I am also thinking about using A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays , by Robin Sampson and Linda Pierce. You can find both of these on The Heart of Wisdom website. Like I said, I have been wanting to do this for several years...with the way the world is going...I think I had better equip my son with a deep-saturated in God's Word-type of education. Sigh....
I do believe that I am called to train up my son---not prepare him for college and a 6 figure career. I need to prepare my son for the end times...which are upon us as I type. We are not void of God's Word in our home, by no means, but my son's homeschooling lessons have great room for improvement. So, prayerfully, we are going to go on an adventure, as soon as, I walk in obedience and purchase the curriculum. I think my son can handle all the information now, even with his learning disabilities. A welcomed relief--I can assure you!!! :)
Tonight, since my son will be going to Royal Rangers...we are having a simple supper. BLT's for my husband and juice for me... I am so thankful that my husband doesn't mind little meals. He is a good man. :)
Well, that has been my day 3 of spring cleaning and Beale Bungalow news...
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