Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Gardens, fabric and new curriculums...
I am loving this weather! Sitting outside and humming hymns seems to be my favorite past time as of late. Oh, I am still cleaning house, gardening and schooling my son, but I do love sitting and praising God my way; humming hymns, singing a few, too!!!
Things are going fairly well here at the Beale Bungalow. My garden is in---FINALLY!!
This weekend, my husband, son and I put together the "covered wagons" for my garden. I call them that because when the vines fill the fencing--it looks just like a green covered wagon! I now have three and I am so pleased.
The first one will have trombocini (an Italian zucchini that looks like a trombone). The second one will have green beans and the third will have Lima beans. I do believe they will be a beautiful and tasty site when everything comes in! There are two raised beds of organic corn-one raised bed of sweet potatoes and the final bed has tomatoes and cucumbers. I have planted three green bell pepper plants since this picture was taken. I can't wait to watch everything sprout and grow.
I have already had to replant some corn---SQUIRRELS!! So, organic blood meal went down around the perimeter of the two corn beds. Soon, I will be hanging some old pie tins I have to hopefully scare off some critters--be they the scurrying kind or the winged kind. When the garden is young like this I do believe the squirrels and birds work in tandem with each other. :)
I have washed the material for my bedroom curtains I am getting ready to make. I have actually been putting this off because I do not have a pattern. I just want to make panels--primitive panels. Here is the material below.
The dark material is going to be a strip about six inches from the bottom of the curtain---maybe.... I painted our bedroom awhile back and now it is time to finish the room.
Some of my son's next year curriculum is here. I was amazed at how fast I got everything. I ordered from Eagles Wings Educational Materials and I must say that I am impressed by their service. They even answered my email full of questions!!
These are the 'Create a notebook' Bible and History series. It goes from 5th to 12th grade. I figure my son falls somewhere in one of those grades. It is hard to tell with him. The spelling program is a program designed for dyslexics! WooHoo!! I have learned that it takes the average speller 50 times at looking at a word to remember it. It takes a dyslexic 500 times at looking at a word to remember it!!! Oh my---what my son has been going through. He has to memorized 600 sight words prior to even beginning this programs level. So, we have already started and he knows several of them to start off with, but we still need to return and cover some more basics that are especially for his reading (decoding) and his spelling (encoding). I am excited about this....
Well, the house needs a vacuuming and it isn't going to get it if I stay on this here computer. Have a wonderful day and God Bless!
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Growth in dirt and spirit....
The weather is gray with off and on rain showers. I prefer cool sunshine with rain only occurring at night, but I noticed that my Father in Heaven did not consult me on this, therefore I must make due with His Providential Decisions. :)
I do believe that my garden is enjoying the decisions of God because most of my seeds have responded favorably.
My corn is coming up!
Here comes my onions!
Can you tell that I have not been turning my compost as I should have? Now I don't want to disturb these beautiful potatoes!
My oregano seems to be happy and healthy. I transplanted this from my garden to a pot. Oregano can take over if you let it.
My flowers are doing well, too:
These are just a few of my flowering beauties. I need to dead head several of them. The weeds are loving all the warm rains as well, so I will be dead heading and weeding this afternoon....sigh....
Anyway, everything seems to be growing. I still have more to plant and that, too, will be done today and probably tomorrow. There just doesn't seem to be enough energy to get everything done in a day anymore. Oh well....
Today--my heart seems to be in a peaceful turmoil. Teehee...
I know...oxymoronic sounding, none the less, this is the state I find myself in. I am content to be doing what God wants me to do, yet I also know He wants more. I have always believed one way about something and now it is being challenged by the teachings of Dr. David Jeremiah. I want to travel, yet today I am satisfied staying at home. I want a strong GODLY LEADER qualities from my husband, but I am so pleased and hopeful with his recent prayer asking God to make him one. I want my daughter home, but I am just so thankful that she is being healed and is talking with me again. I want my son to read, read, read, and once again God has made me pleased with his reading improvement here lately. See what I mean? Peaceful turmoil....
There is so much to do around the Ol' Beale Bungalow that I get overwhelmed quite easily. God has been teaching me to stick to His plan for me. What would that be...Colossians 3:23, "And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;" Whatever God has me doing I need to do it for Him....not for me. So, I plant, clean, do laundry, cook, homeschool, shop and so on. This is what He has me doing "unto Him". :) I am not going to get bent out of shape if I can't get it all done in one day. I am not going to get angry if the progress is slow. I am just going to do what I have to do for Him. (Today--that is--I may need to reread this posting daily to remind me I am doing everything for Him....)
I cannot sign off from this post without mentioning Oklahoma and the terrible situation they find themselves in because of the tornado. My heart goes out to the people of Oklahoma, especially with the loss of so many children. I am praying for the Comforter to permeate that entire area with His Love and Shalom. God is still good even when tragic episodes occur. God is still in control, too---even though we question why. So, yes my heart aches, but I am encouraged to know that many will seek Him for answers and comfort because of the breath of His nostrils.
This, too, is a sign of the times...I do hope people see this! God is returning---SOON! Sooner than we think, I do believe. Allow God in. Allow the sacrificial blood of the One True Messiah wash over you and seal you for all eternity. To God be the Glory!!!!
Friday, May 17, 2013
I have not been able to get away and be by myself like I wanted to...but...God is always with me.
Forgiveness is not a suggestion---It Is A Command!! So, I have forgiven my husband for the disasterous Mother's Day. I do not want to stay angry at him. This brings absolutely no glory to our God and King. My husband is just lousy at holidays...end of discussion. He did say that I had reasons to be angry--of which I agreed! I told him I was not backing away from anything I said...I Was Forgiving Him--Not Asking For Forgivenss For Myself--I wanted that very clear. He said he totally understood and all is better now. There is still work to be done, but it will be done with the spirit of love...not anger. Sigh....
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Spring has finally arrived....
Spring is FINALLY here in the Tidewater Area! Not only is my backyard showing proof of this yearly and God ordained season, but so is my asthma. (It has been pretty bad for the past few days...this too shall pass.) Anywho, my mint plant has returned and I can just taste a nice cup of mint tea in my foreseeable future. also helps the asthma...
It took me days and days to weed my seven raised beds. I can blame some cold and rainy days in part for the slow progress. Plus, bending over really wrecks my back. The last day I did two beds and I am still paying for it!
See how nice they look. I have planted trombocinis, yellow squash and onions in this first bed. The next two have corn. The fourth will have pole green beans, yellow squash and carrots. Number five will have bell peppers and onions. Number six will be planted today with tomatoes, and finally number seven will have pole lima beans, zucchini and carrots. I planting pumpkin in my front garden as soon as it gets bigger. I am kind of thankful that we have had a long cold snap in the weather. This has allowed my surgical knee to heal and get ready for some hard work. If this year progresses as last year...we are in for warm weather all the way to December. Therefore, I am not too concerned about putting in my plants this late in the season. It will be nice to watch the transformation of these seven beds throughout the season.
It appears that my compost bins have become potato bins. I really hate to disturb them to get to my lovely compost below these plants. Oh well, at least I should have some lovely red or yellow or russet potatoes soon. :)
There are little blueberries on my blueberry bushes. They are small and not too plentiful. At this rate...I can start canning my "own" fresh blueberries when I qualify for Social Security. Hmmmm.....
All and all things are looking pretty good in the Beale Bungalow Backyard. I am still trying to get some fruit trees and I want to plant a container herb garden somewhere. Plans in the making are a good sign that the winter doldrums are subsiding. :)
Things have been pretty rocky around here since Mother's Day. I had a complete blow up with my husband. I am totally tired of being an after thought. I have the tendency of holding my emotions in and not expressing my true feelings. I don't like confronting my husband because of his already fragile ego, but all this flew out the window on M. D. !
I became so angry that it took me by surprise! I mean I was fired up and ready to shoot! Knowing that #1-I didn't want my son to hear his parents fight and #2-I had to get away from my husband----I grabbed my purse, got in my car and sped away like a rat fleeing a sinking ship! I drove for a little while until I could actually speak...called my husband and thirty years worth of muck, yuck and pain came flowing out of me that I could not seem to speak fast enough and I know that my husband could not hear fast enough either!
I was livid! I was hurt! I was fed up! And I was making these facts known.....loudly....very loudly!!!!!
So, things are a bit tense around here. My husband is doing what he always does...sticking closer to me than my underware! and being very quiet. This was not what I wanted but I knew this is what I was going to get. Leopard's cannot change their spots! So, I am trying to figure out what to do next. I was thinking about going to a hotel for the weekend, but I can't. My god dog is coming and I am not losing out on seeing him. I need some time to get my spirit back under the Holy Spirit's control. Right now I am just seething....doing what every woman in my life is doing...seething. Sigh....
Something bright and wonderful did happen this week. My son accepted Jesus as his LORD and Saviour!!! It happened at the youth group he attends on Friday's at a friends church. (I do not believe this wonderful experience would have happened at out church.) He heard a small voice tell him to become a Christian and be with Jesus. When my son returned home and he told me...I started crying and so did he. He went into his room and cried his heart out to the LORD and emerged out of his room a different and glowing person. He told everyone at our church this past Sunday. I know that I have one of my children totally in the Kingdom of God.
My daughter was raised in a Christian home, but I believe she has head knowledge only. The fruit of her life is proof enought for this. She is doing better though and calling me again just to talk...I know God is working in her--in more ways than one. She sounds better than she has in two years! I am indeed extremely thankful for this blessing! Truly, truly I am!!!!
There is a great deal going on here at the Beale Bungalow, but I am sure it is the same in every household and home everywhere. I am saddened about my husband's inabilities, but I am thankful for a son in the Kingdom and a daughter feeling better and hopefully healing and heading for a Kingdom Encounter herself. "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:14. This is truly my desire...
Change of subject---after I finish getting my gardens planted--I am going to take a break and do something not so strenuous. I am going to make my bedroom curtains! This will be fun for me!! :) I might even prepare some of my extra quilt squares for framing. Creativity is creativity--whether inside or outside. Outside creativity, I view as creative work. Inside creativity I view as fun, so I am looking forward to some fun next week! :)
I do want to share some pictures of an new tenent in our backyard....
A male woodpecker has been diligently making a home in our old dying tree. He has been at this for days! He will peck and peck and peck then he will clean out the hole by using his beak to collect the little pieces of wood and toss them out of the hole. My number 6 and 7 garden beds have a little more composting material than the other beds. It has been fasinating to watch. I am amazed at the diligence and endurance this little fella has.
Well---that is it from the Beale Bungalow.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
The past two days....
These last two days have been very nice and productive. Productive being the operative word--this is what makes it nice in my book.
I have done the house work, yes, but I have also enjoyed being out of doors, as well. Four of my seven veggie beds are weeded and ready for compost and seeds! YES!!! The work has been great for my post op knee. The bending and stretching really loosens it up and this is just an added benefit to being outside.
I have really really loved being out in my backyard with my son helping me. This has given us an opportunity to talk about worms, dirt, plants, work ethic and godly manhood. He is surely growing into a man hourly!
I have been reading General Douglas MacArthur poem that he wrote his only child, a son. It is called "Build Me a Son". This is such a great teaching tool from a godly father to a much loved son. From a top General that has seen war to a much loved young boy. From a believer in Jesus to the heir of his name and line. Therefore, I am gleaning many seeds from this poem and planting them in the heart of my son. I so want him to truly be a man of God. This would make my joy complete if my son and my daughter and grandchildren would live for the LORD of LORDs!
Okay, next....I am reading a book that is truly convicting me on marriage and family. I am loving it though. I seem to be seeing things more clearly the past two days and I am truly thankful for that. When I finish the book I will give a review on it and tell all, but right now it is like a sweet secret that God is sharing with me. Sigh....
Today, when my son and I were taking a break from the weeding...we were listening to the Bible that he has downloaded on his iPad. It was the event when a gentile woman came to Jesus and wanted her daughter healed from and oppressive spirit. He told her He was here for the Jews and didn't want to give bread to the dogs. Her reply, which was stated in great faith, "even the dogs eat of the crumbs from the master's table". Jesus healed her daughter because of her great faith.
I then prayed the same to Him for my daughter. My heart was immediately lifted and peace flooded all over and around me much like the breezes of the day. Then I realized that I should be content with the crumbs from the Master's Table. I have eternal salvation. I have a new identity. I have a purpose. I have every promise God ever made....all because I belong to my Heavenly Father, through the work of His Son, sealed with the Holy Spirit. Crumbs. Holy crumbs. Crumbs from His Table. I believe my daughter is healed. Crumbs....oh, just give the crumbs from His Table.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Disturbance within.......
My soul seems to be in turmoil once again. Gee--go figure. God, it appears, is calling me to a higher walk with Him. I am thrilled with this, but I am beginning to see the cost. Hmmm......
My country has turned it's back on God and His Word. This saddens me beyond belief.
I sat down with my son today and explained the Biblical story of Sodom's destruction and why it was destroyed. Then I compared this time frame with today's time frame. I really tried to get my son to see the similarities between the sin of Sodom and the sin of the United States and the world. I do believe he saw what God was leading me to explain to him.
Schooling choices was next. Oh my...what a loaded gun. Total homeschool at home...Co-ops at churches....private school. Public school is not an option for this family. It amazes me how this has become so complicated. Homeschooling my daughter was much easier. We homeschooled at home--we went to a homeschool support group. We did go skating, swimming, participated in a science fair, in history fairs, in dramas, etc. It was easier and my daughter loved it and flourished.
My son has learning disabilities. He has trouble reading, writing sentences, etc. I know that a class or two taught by someone else might do him some good, BUT am I going to choose academia over godliness?
I talked with my son about this and I am so proud of him. He said if all of his friends go to a co-op and he doesn't--he is okay with it. Talk about being relieved! Now, this doesn't mean that I will not check these teaching and socializing options out....but at least I know my son will be okay with being different. Thank you, Father.
My spirit has been practically jumping out of my body for what seems like days! I need to go to a couple of older women in my life and ask, "What is with this?" I am edgy. I am contemplative. I am restless. I am easily angered. I really don't know what is going on. I am tired of being gloomy. I know that the lack of sunshine has something to do with my mood, but it has nothing to do with my spirit's restlessness. I am praying for answers...not getting any yet, but I believe this has something to do with God calling me to a closer walk with Him. Sigh...
I did do something Pinteresty today. I cleaned my diamond ring with one of that sites jewelry cleaning recipes.
This was before. The recipe goes as follows--
Heat a cup of water in the microwave for about 90 seconds.
While the water is heating-place in a bowl--1 tsp salt, 1 Tbsp baking soda, 1 Tbsp on dish detergent. Add the water and mix. Place a piece of aluminum in the bottom of the bowl and put in jewelry. Soak for 10 minutes. Rinse and dry.
I know these pictures do not show the before and after very well, but my ring shines! I will have to put this in my Pinterest successes category. It worked!! So, I did do something productive today....
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