Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Gardens, fabric and new curriculums...

I am loving this weather!  Sitting outside and humming hymns seems to be my favorite past time as of late.  Oh, I am still cleaning house, gardening and schooling my son, but I do love sitting and praising God my way; humming hymns, singing a few, too!!!

Things are going fairly well here at the Beale Bungalow.  My garden is in---FINALLY!!

This weekend, my husband, son and I put together the "covered wagons" for my garden.  I call them that because when the vines fill the fencing--it looks just like a green covered wagon!  I now have three and I am so pleased. 

The first one will have trombocini (an Italian zucchini that looks like a trombone).  The second one will have green beans and the third will have Lima beans.  I do believe they will be a beautiful and tasty site when everything comes in!  There are two raised beds of organic corn-one raised bed of sweet potatoes and the final bed has tomatoes and cucumbers.  I have planted three green bell pepper plants since this picture was taken.  I can't wait to watch everything sprout and grow.

I have already had to replant some corn---SQUIRRELS!!  So, organic blood meal went down around the perimeter of the two corn beds.  Soon, I will be hanging some old pie tins I have to hopefully scare off some critters--be they the scurrying kind or the winged kind.  When the garden is young like this I do believe the squirrels and birds work in tandem with each other.  :)

I have washed the material for my bedroom curtains I am getting ready to make.  I have actually been putting this off because I do not have a pattern.  I just want to make panels--primitive panels.  Here is the material below.

The dark material is going to be a strip about six inches from the bottom of the curtain---maybe....     I painted our bedroom awhile back and now it is time to finish the room.

Some of my son's next year curriculum is here.  I was amazed at how fast I got everything.  I ordered from Eagles Wings Educational Materials and I must say that I am impressed by their service.  They even answered my email full of questions!!

These are the 'Create a notebook' Bible and History series.  It goes from 5th to 12th grade.  I figure my son falls somewhere in one of those grades.  It is hard to tell with him.  The spelling program is a program designed for dyslexics!  WooHoo!!  I have learned that it takes the average speller 50 times at looking at a word to remember it.  It takes a dyslexic 500 times at looking at a word to remember it!!!  Oh my---what my son has been going through.  He has to memorized 600 sight words prior to even beginning this programs level.  So, we have already started and he knows several of them to start off with, but we still need to return and cover some more basics that are especially for his reading (decoding) and his spelling (encoding).  I am excited about this....

Well, the house needs a vacuuming and it isn't going to get it if I stay on this here computer.  Have a wonderful day and God Bless!


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