My neighbor and I are having some trees cut down in our yards. They are having 6 or 7 trees cut down whilst we are having only dropping...Blue Heron attracking pine tree.
When this company said they were going to start at 8:00 a.m. They meant it.
One, lonely, ugly, sap dropping and Blue Heron attracking pine tree gone. We are going to have one very hot summer here without our neighbors trees. The good thing I can plant my fruit trees and have bees in the backyard. There will be enough sun!
Schooling was kind of half done today. Watching the modern lumberjacks take down huge trees was much more interesting than Developmental Math and Explode the Code. That is what HOMEschooling is all about...taking advantage of our world around us. Master Beale enjoyed his day.
My garden will benefit from the tree cutting, too. My cucumbers are beginning their assent up the "covered wagon" trellis.
I cannot wait to see the trellis all full of green vines with yummy cucumbers hangingdown. Pickling time is almost here.
I have never grown flax. This is just an experiment for me, but they do have a lovely bloom, do they not? This was not here yesterday...another gift for me! Thank you Abba!
I am still working in my laundry room. I cannot believe how much stuff I had jammed in this room. I am thinking about having a few shelves built in and removing the gray plastic cabinet that is presently being used for cleaners and such. I think shelves would allow more storage room for some of my electric appliances and canning goods. I will talk with my husband about it this evening. :) Sounds like a wonderful homeschooling project for he and my son. Let's see....math, woodworking, tool safety and productivity away from the computer and the Wii. Oh...this is working for me....
Well, I am going back to the laundry room.....
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