Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A wonderful Wednesday morning...

Yesterday, after a wonderfully sunny morning...this is what rolled in.  Accompanying those water heavy storm clouds was what I am going to call Heaven's Bass Drums.  The rolling thunder sounded so ominously majestic that I had to stop, listen and then take a picture or two.  I was so thankful that I watered my garden very lightly just in case the weather forecasters were correct.  :)

So, how did I fill up my wetted afternoon?

I made some lavender scented castille soap!  This was my first successful batch so I was quite excited!  I do believe my mistakes have been with the temperatures.  When the recipe says 110 means exactly 11o degrees!  Anywho, I was so very pleased that I called my friend, Marianne, my mom and my brother!  So silly, but I have had soap to come out looking more like cow patties than the nice creamy yellow tray that you see before you.  I can't wait to make some more...This is a skill that I would like to perfect and have some fun with.   :)  :)

Now, I said that I would explain my dejunking, deep cleaning and painting strategy today.  I must preface my explanation with yet another explanation.  As I have said previously....I have been in a depression.  I won't go into the details--God is still working in and through the reasons for my downward spiral and I am choosing to let Him do what He wants and I am do what He has ordained me to do.  With that I am coming out of this dark painful season I realized how little work I had actually been doing.  I was always tired, so I think I thought I was busy all the time.  Schooling got done, along with laundry, grocery shopping and cooking, but that was about it.  

I remember reading a little story to my daughter years ago about a little girl who took a single rose to an old lady who lived nearby.  Her house was shabby, dirty and dark.  She said she just wanted to be a friend to the old woman and to start the friendship the little girl brought her a rose. 

Now, the old woman needed a nice clean vase to put the rose she washed a vase and put it on her table.  But she noticed that the table cloth was dirty and stained, so she washed, dried and ironed the cloth, placed it on the table under her clean vase with her new friend's gift standing proudly.

Then the old woman noticed that no one could see her new friend's gift because the window was dirty and grimy..of course, you know what happens.  The old woman cleans this window and then the other windows...then the house and the yard.  All because of a little girl's gift.

This is kind of what I am going through, but I have no rose to get me started.  Everywhere I look I see all the reasons for cleaning this room or that room first.  I honestly can not make up my mind where to start....sad, I know, but I did say I was coming out of my depression, so my mind is still in a befuddled state.

When I was talking to God about this dilemma my husband came in with some breakfast biscuits and that is when suddenly this idea came to me.  (I know God had something to with this...)  Anyway, I listed all the rooms in my home and put them in the Bojangles' bag.  I would pray and pull out a room name and start there.  After a short loving husband thought the bag was trash and threw it away...then he replaced it, so I could function again.  :)

There ya have it!!  My cleaning program in a bag!  So, what room will I start with?


Can you see it?  I need to rewrite the other rooms a bit darker, but I am to start in the Laundry Room!  Easy Peasy!  I will update each room upon completion.  I am actually excited to get started and get everything as it should be!

God had some sweet little surpises for me this morning in my gardens.

I can already taste the zucchini bread,  fried squash and pickles! 

God also allowed me to notice something I have never seen before...

A Lightening Bug during the day!  Apparently this little guy likes Yarrow! 

Well, I am off to the laundry room!


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