Wednesday, June 6, 2012
The beauty of my world...
"His branches shall spread, and His beauty shall be as the olive tree, and His smell as Lebanon." Hosea 14:6
"SEEK MY FACE, and you will find fulfillment of your deepest longings. My world is filled with beautiful things; they are meant to be pointers to Me, reminders of My abiding Presence. The earth still declares My Glory to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear." (Jesus Calling...June 6th. Sarah Young)
Have you looked outside today? It is radiantly beautiful! Upon reentering the Beale Bungalow after spending some time in my yard and doing a little gardening I sat down and read the above. What a lovely affirmation of God's Love. He actually spoke to me through His Word, the words of another and my plants. How cool is that?
This past weekend, an old friend taught me something about the word "awesome". She said it is used too readily in today's age. There is only One who is Awesome and that is God, Our Heavenly Father and Creator of all beauty. This morning proved that to me over and over again.
This morning as I soaked in all the beautiful and healthy creations around my little patch of earth; I suddenly became even more amazed at the steadfastness and true concern my God has for me.
From my growing garden,
To my sleeping and definitely growing son.
I am sitting here at my computer desk with the windows wide open listening to the birds, smelling the fresh air watching the gentle breeze flow through my dill plants and I say my friend was right. Awesome is a word ONLY for God! :)
Well, what is going on here at 29? The cucumbers are climbing the homemade covered wagon trellis.
My borage plant is truly growing tall and is beginning to bloom. I actually wish that my front garden had this little beauty, but maybe I can save some seed and I will have some borage out front. (Did you know borage seed oil is good for arthritis?)
Squashes are coming in. Thank heaven for bees. Ya can't have one without the other!!
My hydrangea cannot seem to make up its mind. Acid or alkaline.
One of my favorite flowers in the entire universe is blooming! I have had Coneflowers before, but they all died. It seems that this one is going to survive!!! This makes my very happy!
See, isn't my little part of the world filled with beauty? :)
Change of subject. I am finding that I cannot deep clean my laundry room without deep cleaning my kitchen. These two rooms are my major work areas (as they are for all homemakers), but things are going to be rearranged between the two rooms, therefore, after convention, I am going to have to deep clean my kitchen along with my laundry area. Sigh...
I am color coordinating the two rooms and so I will be going to fabric stores next week to get material and a color palette. I do have some ideas of what I want...finding them will require some leg work. So, now my work has doubled. Oh well, I need to move around anyway. Plus, it will be nice to have two rooms done at the same time.
Today is going to making lists! (And you know how I love lists!) What kind of lists? I am so glad you asked. Grocery list, menu list, school book list, school supply list, a budget list and a new cleaning list. If I take one day and plan--then I will feel like I am in control. HAHAHAHA!!!! No, actually these lists just keep my thoughts straight. I have learned to write my lists in pencil...even the best plans change.
Yet, another change of subject. I must say that I really enjoyed last evening at the Deborah group. I think my problem with this group is that I am such a Calvinist. The women that attend this group are charismatic and I am not. Even last night when my friend said it was okay pray being filled with the Holy Spirit in any way that was ours, I felt comfortable. Then another older lady, at the end of the meeting was praying that all would be filled with the Spirit and have the manifestation of speaking in tongues. Now, I was the ONLY one there last evening that did not speak in tongues, so who was this prayer directed towards? Thank heaven for Marianne who said it was time to go....
Do I belong in this group? Do I want to even go when my beliefs are so very different? Is there somewhere that I can worship and be with ladies of like mind and faith without feeling the pressure of being different and singled out? I think I am going to talk with husband on this one and do what he says. I did enjoy it last night. I know that the women are sincere, but I am not where they are in their theology and doctrine. Is it good? Is is right? Is it where God wants me? Hmm.....
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