Walking through my back and front yards, the water that is clinging to the grass attack my garden clogs and the hem of my jeans. Wet, of course, but cool. The water lacing it's way through the clogs and my pant hems make me want to just walk bare footed in the dampened grass, so I did. Refreshing...messy...but it put a smile on my face.
I met a few of God's creatures in my backyard. A couple of gray squirrels decided to come for a visit.
They were quite comical. My husband greases the plant hanger that we use to hold our bird feeders and this makes it very difficult for these expert climbers to climb up and get into these said bird feeders....but that doesn't mean they don't try...
Squirrels are so much fun to just sit and watch. They do add much comical relief throughout the day...this morning was no exception.
A pair of male Mallards decided to join the squirrels in my backyard this morning.
They came for some birdseed, too, but also their morning slice of bread...
Of course, after such a nice spread...they decided to take a load off their webbed feet and crash for a spell.
There are colors everywhere at the Beale Bungalow. Here are a few...
If you look closely you can see the bees and dragonflies that have a hankering for some nectar. Lavender is a lovely bee attractor. This plant always has a number of the softly buzzing nectar collectors. I just love to watch them...
I am in a pondering mood. This makes me seem sullen. I have been told I walk around with a scowl on my face when in actuality....I am just pondering on my thoughts. Thinking is probably my most abundantly used pastime. It is NOT my favorite hobby. Thinking just happens. I have no boxes. Sigh....
What am I pondering about? HMMMM....My salvation through God's justification. God's sanctification process in my life. Why am I not more like Jesus? Paul? Lydia? Dorcas? Where does my passion really lay? How is my walk affecting my son? What does a "disciple" really look like? Has everything that I have been taught and I have striven for....off track?
I am in several different "studies" if you will and they are beginning to clash. I do not like "clash". Everyone has their beliefs and opinions. I am so tired of denominational differences, but I have to belong somewhere. Being raised in the occult...then onto fundamental Baptist...now, a reformed evangelical attending a charismatic home whatever...(I have a hard time calling it a church with no man as a leader or overseer...). This has produced inner turmoil. I do not like "turmoil".
So, I go to my husband for counsel. "Is everything said and done in love?" Yes, says I. "Well?" ???? That was the counsel of my spiritual head. The Mormons, the Jehovah Witnesses, the Buddhists, the Muslims, the Harikrishnas, etc can say and do things in love, for Pete's sake!
If I go to my church..I know that they will say...stay away. If I go to this "meeting"...I know that they will say...follow God, but keep and openness for the working of the Holy Spirit. What does the working of the Holy Spirit look like? One teaches one thing--one teaches another--a third teaches yet another.
Now, does this sit with this detailed oriented-left brained- fearful of being led down the wrong path-hard on herself woman? Nooooooooooo... I keep saying that I need a week to myself so I can spend time with God uninterrupted and chore free...sigh... Pondering....not a comfortable thing where I am concerned. I am not firm enough in my own beliefs to weather this churning oncoming hurricane. I need to set down a tried and true anchor and harbor there and there only. My brain hurts...
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