Saturday, December 15, 2012

Newton, Conn....

We ask why...
We ask where was God...
We feel shock, pain terror...

God is good all the time and all the time God is good.

I can't explain it.  I just know it is true.

If I didn't believe this truth...I know that I would probably kill, too.  I have had several reasons to be justified in this "probability" during my 52 years on this earth, but knowing God as truth prevents me from this terrible "probability". 

I am reminded of the Jewish baby boys, two years and under, that were killed in Bethleham after Jesus' birth.  Senseless...Rachael weeping for her children.  The feelings of the United States are the same feelings shared with Israel over that incident of the slaughter of innocent children. 

This Christmas, there will be Christmas gifts unopened.   Sadness will abound in Newton and other towns where families and friends of these babies live.  Yet, instead of sitting on Santa's lap...there are twenty children and hopefully 6 adults that will be sitting in the very lap of Jesus the Messiah.  

This is how I am making any sense out of this terrible tragedy; because of God's loving character is why I can say...God is good all the time and all the time God is good. 

My heart is still saddened, but I still have hope in Jesus...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Catch up...

I know that I have not been blogging as of late.  There are some very good reasons for my absence.  I have been experiencing the valley after the mountain top high.  Boy, it sure is an extremely long way down.....

I really tried to raise my daughter for the glory of the LORD, but since she has been eighteen...she has made some pretty poor choices and  has been experiencing the consequences of said choices.  With each telephone call with 'Restricted' visible I would shudder...what is it this time? 

My heart would break and I would immediately get an upset stomach with each tear and cry for help my beautiful, brown eyed, curly headed daughter would utter.  Oh, the pain!  There is no salve, no medication, no herb that can take away the constant pain of a mother's ache when her child is hurting and in trouble.   In the movie "Loving Leah" the mother of Leah made this statement.."A mother is only as happy as her saddest child."  I can personally attest to the truth of that very wise statement!

God is working and, as I tell my children, God does not work in 'onesies'.  (You the game Jacks.  God scoops up all the jacks and works on them all at the same time.)  He is working on my daughter and her and my family and in the lives of those who are truly praying for her.  I see His Hand of mercy and provision throughout this whole painful, draining experience.  Thank you Abba!!!

Since this whole mess...God has healed my marriage and made my husband a much stronger believer than before.  He has provided a FREELY GIVEN 2003 Honda Pilot for me!  He has healed my bitter and fearful heart in so many ways that it is hard for me to communicate this to whoever is reading this....He is paying for our Christmas..and this is without the third payday in the fall..AMAZING!!  He has given my little family a love for His Word and the desire to be obedient in a way we have never known...There really are too many blessings to mention that have occurred because of my daughter's crisis.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

It is looking like Christmas at the Beale Bungalow.  Devotions are so heart changing this year and all for about 4 dollars!  We are concentrating more on giving gifts to Jesus this year.  God has been so good to us that we know He would like for us to honor Him with gifts as well.  My son is learning that it is not about "him" but all about "Him". 

Some gifts have been bought and are getting wrapped.  Baking is beginning.  Parties are happening...but it is different this year.  God is really present in this year's Christmas.  I must say that it is making this festive season much more meanful and truly much more enjoyable!!

I know that trials and tribulations come...but...God is always in the midst of them and that is what today's blog is about.

Glory to His Name!!!!
