Friday, March 29, 2013

Yesterday was Maundy Thursday...

Maundy Thursday. Many people, actually many Christians, especially from the Protestant branch of Christianity, have no clue what Maundy Thursday is all about. My husband, who is from a Southern Baptist background had no idea what this very special day meant until he met me. He says he never even heard of the name...Maundy Thursday.

Well, I want our son to know, understand and celebrate Maundy Thursday. It is such a beautiful way of learning about the Sacrament of Communion, the new commandment and serving others. It is really awesome when Passover falls on Maundy Thursday, because the lessons just increase 100 fold! God is so good.

Anyway, Maundy Thursday...Maundy means--

[from Old French mandé something commanded, from Latin mandatum commandment, from the words of Christ: Mandātum novum dō vōbīs A new commandment give I unto you]  John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."
On Maundy Thursday, the church celebrates Jesus washing the disciples feet. I must say that I am becoming more impressed with the new pope. The Catholics take the washing of feet very seriously. The Pope usually washes a bishop's feet during a Maundy Thursday service. Pope Francis washed juvenile prisoners feet this year. What an awesome statement to the Catholic church and the protestant church around the world!  We are to serve one another as Jesus did.  :)
So, how was Maunday Thursday celebrated in our home last evening? I made a lovely supper from a recipe that I got off of . My menu was as follows:
Chicken Pastrami Rolls
Buttered corn
Baked potato
Homemade Peach Cobbler for dessert!
It really was easy and delicious!
The Chicken Pastrami Rolls took no time to make and what a flavor.  All you need are 1) chicken breast thinly sliced 2) sliced deli pastrami 3) seasoned bread crumbs and 4) Italian salad dressing. 
Place the thinly sliced chicken breasts in some the Italian salad dressing making sure that both sides get completely coated.  Press only one side of the chicken breast in the seasoned bread crumbs. Place a slice of pastrami on the chicken breast.  Roll the chicken breast and place seam side down in a prepared 9 X 13 pan.  Repeat with the rest of the chicken breast.  Drizzle a little more dressing on the breaded rolls.  Sprinkle some more seasoned bread crumbs on top of the rolls.  Spray the top of the rolls with Pam or any oil spray.  Place in a 350 degree oven.  Baking time depends on the thickness of the chicken breast.  20-30 minutes.  Serve hot!
We had a lovely meal.  We talked about our day.  My husband is a very slow eater.  It was a little difficult keeping our son at the table, but I told him I had something special planned.  Plus, he could smell the cobbler baking in the oven!  
Finally, my husband finished the meal....we cleared away the dishes.  I brought out three wine glasses with Kedem grape juice and a piece of matzah wrapped in a napkin.  I placed the matzah in front of our son.  His eyes became intrigued and I went with it. 
 I started to explain what Maundy Thursday represented.  Our son would answer questions and he even interjected scripture on his own.  I knew that he was really understanding what was being taught.  I explained about the Passover feast, the washing of the disciples feet, the meaning of the third cup of wine at the Seder, the new commandment and Judas' betrayal.  (What I didn't realize was how intently my husband was listening.)
I tried to stay chronologically with scripture.  Our son kept bringing up Judas and his betrayal, so we talked about that. 30 pieces of silver!  The Creator and Redeemer of the world..the Only Begotten betrayed for 30 pieces of silver!  Then I explained how we betray Jesus for even less that 30 pieces of silver!  Needless to say...eyes became wide and I had not only our son's attention, but my husband's as well.  Yes, we betray Jesus time, food, daydreaming, video games, minecraft, Lego's, complaining, coveting the world and it's toys, fretting over sequestration and our government.  The list was extensive!
It came time for the communion service of our evening.
I explained that the juice was a representation of the spilled blood of the Perfect Lamb-the very Son of God!  How sin has always been cleansed with blood and only blood--until the willing sacrifice of Jesus.  "Do this in memory of me."  We drank.  There was a  reverential quiet that filled our little dining room.
The matzah, unleavened bread.  The hasty exodus of the Jews from Egypt--the working of leaven throughout the whole dough representing sin--the cleansing of the home of all forms of leaven prior to the Passover--the breaking of the bread and the Last Supper-- Jesus on the cross--Then the worst!   “At three o’clock, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?’ which is translated, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” (Mark 15:34; Matthew 27:46). The very first and only time from eternity past, present and future--God the Father had to turn His Holy Presence away from His Only Begotten Son! 
(How painful this must have been for the Father as well.  I really have never thought of the crucifixion from God's point of view before, until tonight.  I believe this Holy Grief must have been played out in the darkness and storm that took hold of Jerusalem that day!) 
I explained how this was the plan from the beginning.  No one killed Jesus, not the Jews, not the Romans, no one!  Jesus willing allowed His body to be beaten and broken to atone for the sins of His Chosen.   "And he took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.”  Luke 22:19  
It was here that I had our son take up the matzah (after being told that when he breaks the matzah to listen to the crushing sound--Jesus was crushed for him.  Matzah has stripes and holes in it.  By His stripes we are healed and He was pierced for our transgressions.  God even uses modern matzah to tell of His Son's atoning sacrifice).  He took the matzah and very reverently broke it.  The quiet that had filled our home was now filled with this crackling, crunching sound and we were intensely aware that Jesus was broken for us.  Our son was instructed to give a piece to his earthly father and his mother....then we ate.  The reverent quietness returned.
I then turned to my husband and asked him to pray and thus ending our Maundy Thursday home church service.  Remember I said I was not aware of how intently my husband was listening?  Here is where I found out.  My husband spread his arms with palms turned upwards towards heaven and with a trembling voice prayed a beautiful prayer to our God.  He thanked Him for the sacrifice of His Only Begotten Son for our sins and our atonement.  He prayed that this evening not be forgotten and that we live each day for God and God alone.  I could tell that this prayer was not rote....but from the heart. 
 God was in our little dining room last evening.  I do believe He was enjoying our Maundy Thursday home service, because it was from the heart.  There was no pretense.  There was no scripted service.  There was no one to draw our attention away from His Glory.  Just the three of us sitting around our table worshipping and truly remembering His Sacrifice and Everlasting Love.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just recuperating...

There really isn't much to tell.  I am just recuperating from my arthroscopic knee surgery to clean up a posterior medial menicus tear in my right knee.  I am not spring cleaning at the moment, but I will start back as soon as I can bend my knee.

I went to physical therapy yesterday....everything is good except the bending of my knee.  I am supposed to be a 135 degrees....I am only at 90 degrees and this is with a great deal of burning pain.  Sigh...

I must say that I am a bit unsettled for some reason.  I am grumpy...(inside--I am trying to not be grumpy on the outside for my guys sake).  I just have too much time on my hands for pondering all my thoughts to death.  This will pass- soon I hope.


Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 9...

Well, tomorrow is surgery day; today is clean everything in sight day, put casseroles together day and try to get some groceries day. I don't think the last one is going to happen.  I am bone tired and my leg is killing me!  :(

Anyway, I cannot leave everything for my husband to do when I am down for a couple of days recuperating from arthroscopic surgery.  I just believe I should have all my and his ducks in a row before I go under.  Ewww....   Therefore, today has been especially busy.

Everything has been dusted.  The floors have been vacuumed and mopped.  The kitchen and bathroom has been cleaned and scrubbed.  The rest of the laundry will be done in the morning.  (I need something to do while waiting until time to go to the hospital.)  The appliance repairman came this morning and I my oven and exhaust hood lights are in perfect working order!  I did not know how much I would miss my oven, but I did!  ($185!!!---but all paid for in cash.  FPU came through again!)  So, my casseroles are not being made in vain...

I did do some more spring cleaning though; the refrigerator corner is all done!!!  I have made it all around the room now.  The walls are just going to have to wait.  I am too sore and tired to any painting.  Plus, I really have not settled on  a color.  Everytime I think I have chosen a color...I change my mind.  Sigh...

So, the joint accomplishments (my son and myself) are very nice--even though I do say so myself.

I actually had some Pampered Chef baking stones up in this cabinet that I totally forgot about!  I need to talk to my friends to learn how to use them!  They have never even been out of the box!  I just forgot about them; I don't even remember buying them...oh well.  I also discovered that I am a closet disposable cup hoader!  I had 6 packages of them!  Out of sight---out of mind.  I ended up with a great deal of space in this cabinet.  Yippeee!!

My compost bin got a real good feeding today!  The worms will be very happy about that.  I can actually see the shelves!  Now, I have a place to put my recuperation casseroles.

Nice and clean!  I can check this off my list!  Thank goodness!

Now, onto resting up for my surgery tomorrow!  I am praying all goes well....duh!  I am not really anxious about it...I just want my family taken care of when I am recuperating.  :)  This is when I can really understand the Proverbs 31 Woman....  :)


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Day 8....

Today was a glorious day!  I love it when I have the house all to myself and today was one of them!  My guys went to a work day at our church and I had a work day here at our home.  It was wonderful!!

Sometimes a woman just needs time to herself.  She may soak in a tub, garden to her hearts content, work on a craft project or, in my case, spring clean her final set of cabinets!  I also managed to straighten the house, do a couple loads of laundry and watch Fiddler on the Roof on my computer while I cleaned the kitchen.

I thought these cabinets would be the easiest and they were the hardest.  Go figure!!  I wanted to rearrange the cabinets to better suit me and my aging body.  I am the world's worst when it comes to arranging cabinets, bookcases, desks, closets and drawers.  I just can't seem to order things correctly.  I did manage though...

A great many things in this drawer went in the trash.  I cannot understand why I keep things I know I will never use.

This cabinet has always been a pain to retrieve cookware from...but no more!  I ended up having to take a pain pill and go take a nap after this cabinet.  I twisted incorrectly and my knee let me know it!  I was afraid that I may not be able to finish, but when I woke up my knee was no worse than before, so I just continued on.

Once again, this cabinet gave up a great deal of stuff to the trash and the church yard sale bag. 

I could not believe how bad my microwave was but it is shining now!!

Actually everything here got a good scrubbing!  The only reason I do not like cleaning my grain mill is when the rubber seal is clean it makes opening and closing so difficult.  It was in bad need of cleaning so I will just be toning my muscles for awhile. 

So, not only are my cabinets clean inside and out, but I had some very productive me time.  There is something about being alone in our home and putzing and piddling doing what I want.  The sounds are mine, the music is mine, the movie choices are just recharges my batteries.  I don't need this alone time everyday...just every now and then.  I was actually excited to see my guys come home!  That , too is a wonderful feeling!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 7...

Today was a day of doctors, exams, shopping, napping and cleaning.  (Of course, cleaning.)  It was a long day.  Anyway, my EKG, chest x-ray and blood work were all normal and my arthroscopic knee surgery is a go.  This Tuesday the tear in my meniscus cartilage will be made smooth and this pain will cease...after the surgical healing takes place.  In six weeks I should be back to normal!  :)

Okay...the cleaning is going so slow, as I said yesterday, but it is beginning to totally frustrate me.  I need to accept the pace the God has set for me....sigh.  There is one good thing about all this cleaning....I know it will not take me 40 years!  Even though I feel like I am in a very crowded desert.

I think I wrote about doing a cleaning tip.  I am soaking my four grills in a freezer bag with 1/4 cup of ammonia.  I let it set for 24 hours and then cleaned them.  Wow!  Did it work!

It was beginning to work last night!


Fairly clean!!  I did get the little bit left on with a scrubby!

All done!!  Now the oven repair man can come and fix my oven!    

I am ready for the kitchen to be done.  I will be excited when it is done.

My son is still feeling poorly.  I am beginning to get a bit worried.  He was feeling better now he is back down. fever, just tired and not himself.  I sure hope he feels better tomorrow.


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Two and one half hours....

This evening, after supper, I suddenly had some extra energy, so I thought I would clean my stove.  Oh my goodness!   I am so tired!  But the results were worth it.

See...shiny.  My husband says I made it look new.  Well, that is what a man would say...I know different...but it is a great, did I say great?  Yes, a great improvement.

I am trying a pinterest cleaning tip for my grills that go over my burners.  One of my friends tried this tip that I pinned and she said it worked, of course, I am trying this too! 

I do believe it is working!  All you do is this:  Place your grills in sealable plastic bags.  Add 1/4 cup of ammonia to each bag.  Seal. Leave it alone over night.  Wipe clean and wash. The fumes are what cleans the grills!   I am excited to see the results in the morning!  I just love!!

My son is feeling somewhat better this evening.  He still has barely eaten for two days; he has slept those two days away, as well.  This is soooo...not my son.  It was nice to see him smile a little while ago.  Sigh...

Okay, I am going to go to knee is so sore and I am blissfully tired.  It has been a good day.


Day 6...

Things have slowed down in the spring cleaning arena.  I have to have surgery on my right knee.  An arthroscopic surgery, so it should not be too bad, but the ol' knee has slowed me up a bit.  It hurts! and it doesn't like all the bending and turning I have to do when scrubbing out my lower cabinets.  All I want is a nice clean, junk free home.  I really don't think that is too much to ask, but the housecleaning fairies must be on strike because every morning I get up and my dirt and mess are still present and accounted for....   :(

Anyway, today I have been able to get a few more cabinets cleaned and they look lovely to me.

It is hard to believe that I could barely get these in this cabinet!  There is a certain way the cookie sheets need to be stacked in order for everything to fit.  When my son unloads the dishwasher he just wants to get the dishes put away as fast as he can-so order-I have learned-is taught not caught!

This is a lovely cabinet that held way too much!  Now, when I get my shelving unit for the laundry room--most of this stuff will be put on it, so I will have so much more storage space!!  :)

I basically switched some of the small drawer contents with some of the large drawer contents.  I don't know if things will work like this, but I can always put things back if they don't.  So, I have got some cleaning done!  Sigh....this means a good day-to me.

I have some more one more drawer and three more sets of cabinets to do.  Then the refrigerator...Oh help me....

My son has been feeling poorly for the last two days....I decided to call off schooling lessons today and let him get better.  This is not only good for him but me as well.  This is one the beauty of home education.   

I cannot believe how tired I am because of this knee of mine.  I just want to sit down and not move, but alas, a woman's work is never done.  It's not that I mind the work...I just feel it is taking too long.  My daughter laughed at me today because of this very thing.  When she was younger and so was I--I thought I could completely clean, dejunk and paint an entire townhouse in three weeks.  Needless to say--it took an entire three months!!  The whole summer!  It did look nice though...when I finally finished.  She told me to stop trying to do to much--she knows me well.  :) God used the CHG's!  Four of the five of us were at a coffeehouse chatting away when an old church member came in.  She started talking with us and then she asked for prayer for her sons.  Our ears and hearts perked up because praying for each other and whomever God puts in our path is a what we love to do.  I know she and her husband (he came in a little later) were encouraged.  I also think the husband was pleased that we were proactive and she now has a new support group.  One of the hardest things for a mother (or a father for that matter) to endure is watching their precious child on the stubborn road of destruction.

I totally related to this woman because of my daughter, but even greater--God--relates!!  He was the perfect Father and His children rebelled.  Even Jesus understood this woman's pain...He wept over Jerusalem!   “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.  Matthew 27:37    Does this not sound like Jesus understand rebellious children?  He really does!!  It is going to be a wonderful time watching God work in this couple's family, and God has allowed us to be a part of this great work.  We were so excited that God used us today!!!  

Yep!  This has been a very good day!!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Day 5...

The cleaning continues slowly.  I just don't feel like rushing, but at least it is getting done.  So, the upper cabinets over the stove and the exhaust hood got a good cleaning today.  They were really bad.  Not now though!!!  All clean and organized.  I, once again, threw out many out dated spices and such.  Another free shelf appeared...funny how that has been happening.


I cannot believe the extra space I have!  I am so excited!

The next job was the hood over my stove.  Everything cleaned up well, but the filters were nasty.  I have cleaned them before and they needed it again.  Now, everyone knows that I love  I love repining cleaning I went there and sure enough I found a procedure to clean exhaust filters. 

Here is what you do.  Get your biggest stock pot or pan and boil water.  When the water is boiling add 1 cup of baking soda (a tbsp. at a will quickly foam and then disappear).  Place the filter in the pot and then boil all the grease away. 

Now, I did not have a pot wide enough, so I just did everything in the sink.  I just poured the boiling baking soda water over the filters and watch the grease melt off!  It totally worked!


You can see how dirty the filter was...I just scooped the hot water over it.

As you can see--the grease is now in the baking soda water!

The water was rather disgusting, but better there than on my filters!

This water was clear when I started.

All nice and clean!  I could not believe how well this worked.

So, this evening I will be working on the bottom cabinets and some little drawers.  My kitchen is far from being totally clean, but I have to remember it is the process I am suppose to enjoy.

I think I am going to order pizza tonight.  Sigh...


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 4...

This morning I awoke about 1 a.m. with a tremendous neck ache.  I get these often especially if I dream.  My dreams are usually intense, so I tense up at night and wake up with jaw and neck pain.  Anyway, ibuprofen and a wheater heater took care of the pain, but I had to stay on the couch.  This is bad for my 4 a.m. I was pain free and went back to bed.  Though I was thankful for the sleep...I overslept.  I find this irksome.  I am a morning person and I get a great deal done in the early morning hours.  sigh...

I took a shower.  A hot short shower.  Sequestration is creeping into everything I do; it is forever on my mind.  Anywho, I had a date with my CHG's at Panera, so off I went.  We all had a great time talking and fellowshiping with each other.  At 10 a.m. we all departed.  Refreshed and refilled.

When I got home my son was up and tried to do some of his schooling lessons, but was having trouble.  We did some of his lessons and then the day totally got away from me.  This always happens when I take a break to be with my friends.  It isn't that I had pressing appointments.  I just could not get my head in working order.  That is okay husband will be glad that I am home waiting for him no matter what the house looks like.  He doesn't care if I don't get all "my" agenda done; he just wants me here when he walks through the door. 

I decided to relax a bit and concentrate on the process of spring cleaning....not the time schedule.  There ISN'T a time schedule...that is the funny part.  There really isn't a time schedule at all.  I have no one coming for a visit.  I have no special event to host.  There will be an appliance repair man coming to fix my oven, but that will be when I say so...  Why do I feel that I need to accomplish so much stuff during the day? 

I did get the little cabinet next to the exhaust vent and the corner counter space cleaned.  I really did enjoy the process!  Throwing out expired things and ridding the area of dust and grime.  It was quite nice to see this little cabinet all organized and shiny clean.


While I clean-I ponder, pray, think and God speaks to me. Not during my cleaning, but afterwards.  Empty, wash, rinse, dry, refill.  That is all I am doing...or is it? 

"Empty, wash, rinse, dry and refill.  Isn't that what I do with all my children, Sharon?  I empty them of their sin.  I wash them clean with the blood of Jesus, my son.  I rinse them with my Holy Spirit.  I dry them with my breath of life and refill...ohhhh.  This is where their free will comes in, isn't it?  Are they going to refill their clean spirits and souls with My Word or the world's ways." 

"Now, to personalize this for you, Sharon.  Refilling the shelves of your heart, soul and mind is largely dependent on your obedience, isn't it, my daughter?  Renewing your mind, abiding in Me, walking by faith....refilling...the final step in your cabinet cleaning; it is an important step in your relationship with Me, too.  I have given you everything you need to live a godly and abundant life.  Lean on me...learn of me...lend your heart, hands, feet and mouth to me and your life will be filled with all things true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable and excellent.   Phil. 4:8" 

"Empty, wash, rinse, dry and refill...yes, it is a process.  Even spring cleaning Your kitchen cabinets can be used to teach you divine truths and bring Me Glory..."


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 3...

Spring cleaning is in its third day and I was excited for the production of the day--but it has not been as I had wished.  All though, any deep cleaning done is a positive step forward and I did get two cabinets cleaned and rearranged!

I changed my cabinets around so the space can be utilized better.  You would not believe that these two cabinets were jammed packed.  I threw away one whole trash bag of expired canned goods and old spices....  As you can see, I have an empty shelf!  I refused to take before pictures, so you are just going to have to take my word concerning how bad these cabinets were.  They look nice and clean now!  :)

We had a long day with our schooling lessons.  My son was in a very playful mood, but we managed to get everything done and he did fairly well.  I was pleased with everything but his reading, of course...this is on an on going issue.

So, what actually took up all my time this afternoon?  The computer...actually, I was looking on line to buy some more handwriting workbooks for my son which lead me to look for the curriculum I want to use next year.  I found most of what I was looking for....but I really want to spend time in prayer about it. 

I have been wanting to do an intensive Bible centered curriculum with a Messianic Jewish bent to it.  I am leaning towards Ancient History: Adam to Messiah , by Robin Sampson.  This is a unit study which includes  "Bible, history, geography, literature, government, composition, agriculture, religion, science, economics, and more."  It is a multigrade curriculum.  I am also thinking about using A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays , by Robin Sampson and Linda Pierce.  You can find both of these on The Heart of Wisdom website.  Like I said, I have been wanting to do this for several years...with the way the world is going...I think I had  better equip my son with a deep-saturated in God's Word-type of education.  Sigh....

I do believe that I am called to train up my son---not prepare him for college and a 6 figure career.  I need to prepare my son for the end times...which are upon us as I type.  We are not void of God's Word in our home, by no means, but my son's homeschooling lessons have great room for improvement.  So, prayerfully, we are going to go on an adventure, as soon as, I walk in obedience and purchase the curriculum.  I think my son can handle all the information now, even with his learning disabilities.  A welcomed relief--I can assure you!!!  :)

Tonight, since my son will be going to Royal Rangers...we are having a simple supper.  BLT's for my husband and juice for me...  I am so thankful that my husband doesn't mind little meals.  He is a good man.  :)

Well, that has been my day 3 of spring cleaning and Beale Bungalow news...


Day 2...

Day 2 of spring cleaning was right on schedule.  I got up and started right in on my housekeeping chores and spring cleaning.  While I was cleaning out one of my kitchen cabinet and listening to the washer running...I realized that it really didn't matter how long my cleaning is actually enjoying the process while knowing the results will come.  Then it occurred to me that this is a truth that can and should be applied to everything I do.  Cleaning, cleansing, homeschooling, marriage, parenting, painting, gardening, crafting, working, name it.  For me...this was a profound realization.  God is with me everyday, in every way, for my benefit, but more so for His Glory.  If I would just sit back and enjoy the process instead of getting overwhelmed with the to-do list...the jobs will get done; the results will be His and He will be glorified!  FREEDOM!!

Anyway, my spring cleaning is continuing.  I did two more cabinets...

My baking cabinet is now free from sticky honey and baking sugar residues...  I could not believe how many items in this cabinet were way out of date.  Some by three years!!!  I have good intentions to do all this baking and when I don't get around to it I forget what it was that I was going to bake and hence, outdated products. 

Under my sink is going to change...I am going to buy a heavy duty shelf rack to go into my laundry room, so many of the items here will be moved there.  With sequestration, I am planning to make all my the look of things will change.  I am also planning to buy a smaller trash can and put it under here.  This will make more room in my kitchen.

So, one third of my kitchen is done!  Yippee!!

I was able to do a couple loads of laundry, vacuum the front of the house, homeschool my son and make a delicious soup for supper. 

This is Sausage and Potato Soup.  It is relatively easy to make and my husband gave it an 8!  When I try something new I have him rate it on a scale from 1-10.  If it is a 7 or above I put the recipe in my notebook for remake.  If it is 1-6..I usually don't make it again.  No sense in wasting my time for a meal that no one really likes.  Anyway, here is the recipe.

-3 large russet potatoes-diced to 1 inch
-2 cloves of garlic-diced smaller that 1 inch (I used 4)
-1 onion-diced
-1 cup of half and half or heavy whipping cream or milk
-3-4 slices of bacon fried crispy, cooled and crumbled
-1 pound of sausage (any sausage will do)
-2 cups of chicken broth or bouillon cubes
-kale-chopped about 3-4 ounces worth

-wash and dice veggies
-put veggies, broth and 4 cups of water on stove, simmer for about 20 minutes (or until potatoes are done)
-while all that is simmering, in a heavy skillet fry bacon until it is very crispy, cool and crumble....set aside.
-after the bacon is done-fry up the sausage until done.
-back to the simmering potato pot: when your potatoes are done, grab your potato masher and mash about 1/2 to 3/4 of the potatoes.  Leave some chunks-this will make a chunky soup base. 
-add the bacon, sausage and whipping cream
-simmer until everything is nice and hot

Like I said this was delicious.  I am not a pepper fan, but adding just a little pepper to my bowl of soup was perfection!  Let me know if you try this recipe and if you tweaked it in anyway!

So, now on to the juicing...I failed!  I know that after two days--detox had already started.  When I detox I get extremely tired.  I mean so sluggish that walking is hard.  This was beginning--I NEED to spring clean my house.  This is not only for my family's well being, but also for my mental, emotional and spiritual health.   To quote Colonel Brandon from Sense and Sensibility... “Give me an occupation, Miss Dashwood, or I shall run mad.”  I definitely know how this feels!  I have to do this, therefore, I am putting off my heavy juicing until later.  I am planning on juicing one meal a day though.  I will gradually increase this when my spring cleaning decreases.  So---there it is.

Yesterday was so productive!  I cannot wait to what is done today!


Monday, March 4, 2013

One corner down...

I have been diligently working since my son and I finished our schooling lessons for the day.  It actually feels good to have started the most dreaded job of spring cleaning.  I could not have put this off any I am grateful to be off and cleaning....

Since, my knee is still giving some trouble and this causes my back to tire easily, my wonderful son helped with the bottom shelves and the very top shelf where I started cleaning.  That was a tremendous help to me.  I did manage to take a short reading break and rest my knee for a bit.  Soon I was back up and cleaning coffee pots, cookie jars and tossing out anything and everything that I do not need nor want.  I am filling up the recycling bin with plastics that I am not going to use anymore.  Most, if not all, are being replaced as I get the money...

There has also been three loads of laundry done today.  I will finish the rest tomorrow.  I am gettin' kinda tuckered out...

Supper is an easy one tonight.  Chili Mac, sliced pineapples and buttered bread.  That is what my guys are having.  I will be juicing up carrots, oranges, kale and a tomato.  Yum!  I would like to be able to do this Juicing for Jesus for the full 60 days, but I am relying on the LORD to direct me.  I cannot say that I have not tasted a piece of macaroni, because I did...  :(

Well, here are the results of my efforts today in my kitchen.

Everything is clean and in it's place.  The kitchen is going to take me awhile to complete.  Mainly because of time taken to school my son, but there are two other reasons.  #1-my leg  and #2-everything is really dirty!  So, I want to do it right. After everything is cleaned I am going to paint it!  That will really help brighten things up! 

Well, supper is on the stove and I want to feed my family, finish the last load of laundry for today and then rest for the remainder of the evening. 

Sure wish it was warmer outside...I would sit out in the bright sunshine and soak up some Vitamin D!  Soon...I hope. 

Day 1...

Today is Day 1!   Day 1 of what you may ask...well, I will tell you.

I am truly starting my spring cleaning.  The kitchen is going to be the first room.  I need to get my oven fixed and I cannot allow anyone to see how I have let things go!  Well, anyone that is going to come in and work on my dirty stove, on my dirty floor and in my dirty kitchen.  I don't mind posting a picture here...because you are not going to get up close and personal and I am not going to post up close and personal pictures of my sludge...  But, you will get the idea of what I am up against.

You can get an idea from this picture that I have not been cleaning as I should.  I have always said it is easier to clean a clean house than to clean a dirty one.  It amazes me how OCD I used to be about my home and then menopause hit, as well as, problems with my daughter and out went the nice, organized, neat and clean home that was the normal for me and my family.  I just have to get things cleaned and dejunked!  This is not glorifying my LORD nor is it good for my family.  So, today is Day 1 of spring cleaning!  (I even gave up coffee time with a dear friend this morning...but I am going to persevere!)

The next item on the Day 1 list is....Juicing for Jesus!!!  Yes, ladies, I am beginning a juice fast.  I have had this on my heart for about a year now.  I have felt the need to draw nearer to my God and King.  There are several scenerios playing out in my life and I cannot handle them on my own.  I need JESUS!!!  

One of the scenerios is of course my weight.  It must come off for my health's sake.  I have injured my knee and I cannot Zumba for the time being, so this juicing fast is going to help with this...I pray.  I got the idea from "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".  A film by Joe Cross that I watched on  I am a follower of Jesus so I am fasting for His answers, but this fast has extreme health benefits, too.  

Another reason I am fasting is for God's grace and protection during the furloughs my husband has to take due to Sequestration.  My husband is a federal employee, so 20% of his income has to be cut by federal order.  Our belts are already tight, but God will provide and I need Him to see, through this fast, that I am going to rely on Him and His grace and mercy throughout this trial.

My son and his education and future is another reason for my being led to fast.  He is really not learning in our homeschool...The way I think he should.  So, I am fasting for God to show me how to train up my son for His Glory and Seth's best interests.  I need to know how to teach him, what to teach him, how to encourage him and how to prepare him for a life without mom and dad.  Seth is a slow learner with learning disablities.  I want the very best for him and at the throne room of grace is where I will find the answers for my son.  I have so many people telling me what to do that my head is clouded.  So, this fast will clear my head, heart and ears..."Speak Lord, your servant listens."

Yet another scenerio that needs much prayer concerns my daughter...I don't think I need to go into much detail here, but my prayer is that she (and her husband) will truly live for God and God alone.  This would take so much of the stress and strain of life off them and both could have a productive life for His Glory!!!

My grandson is next!  PROTECTION, PROTECTION, PROTECTION!!!!  I feel as though I am the only family member that honestly prays for this little boy.  I love him so much and I just have to storm the gates of Heaven for his sake, too.  

There are other areas that I will be praying about as well,  Israel, prophecy fulfillment and other requests as they come up.  

So this is a big Day 1.  

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!