Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Spring is coming and I am ready.....

It is an absolutely beautiful, sunny, crisp day outside my windows and doors.  The sky has the hopeful smile of spring like temperatures on it's horizon.  The smell on the gentle breezes seem to be announcing that warmer temperatures and gardening season is trying its best to get to the Beale Bungalow!  I, for one, am ready!  Though I did not get the snow that I prayed for this past winter....I am just ready for a different season and some different chores.

Spring fever is rising up inside of everyone I know and I am no exception to this truth.  Now that my knee surgery is behind me and I only have a few more sessions with the physical therapy side of my recovery--I can think of no better therapy--holistically speaking--than weeding, composting, planting and tending a garden!  I am sure my knee will get a good work out, but more importantly so will my spirit!  :)

I haven't really thought of all that I am going to plant, but with the view outside my window...I am beginning to plan for my garden contents.  I know that the staples will be there....tomatoes, peppers, squashes, and cucumbers.  I just don't know what else I wish to try.  Oh the endless possibilities!!!  

I am in a reflective mood today...I have come to the conclusion that I really don't understand anything!  I don't  understand how my life has turned out the way it has.  All my thoughts are my computer room at present.

See what I mean.  Everything is out and scattered.  I have boxes to put them in I just can't seem to get my thoughts in them.  All junky and collecting dust.  Sigh...

I would much rather my thoughts be more like my bedroom.

Neat, tidy, everything in its place, polished, painted and dust free.  Sigh.... 

I don't understand what exactly God is doing to my family.  That is another blog entry entirely.  My heart aches for the pain and misunderstandings that my little unit of love is experiencing.  I just pray that everyone would just stop and read, take to heart and live out Psalm 121.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is thy keeper: the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

This would prevent a great deal of pain and I said...maybe another posting....

A nicer change of subject...I am somewhat anxious to return to my spring cleaning agenda.  I truly want my house back in order.  Painted, fresh, uncluttered...a bit of heaven on earth.  As soon as the PT department allows me to climb ladders...I will be painting!!!  I am actually getting excited about painting.  This is not me....I loathe painting walls and woodwork, but the "clean" is what I am after.  I have most of my colors chosen...I just need the okay.  :)

I have more energy today than I have had for the past couple of days.  I really think it was the holiday.  I just get plain ol' worn out after them.  I am rested and it shows this morning.  I have two loads of laundry done...a third on it's way.  The master bedroom sheets have been changed.  The house straighten, the bathroom soaking for a good cleaning, dishes washed and the awakening of the son process begun.  I think today is going to much more productive than yesterday!  Yippee!

I have an appointment to get my stitches out today.  Yes!  I will be glad when they are gone.  They just bug me, especially when I am doing my home therapy.  It will be nice to have them out.  It is one more step to being totally recovered from my surgery, and for this I am thankful!!!

Well, my washing machine and dryer have stopped.  This has allowed me to hear all the song birds outside my window.  Both sounds have their place.  Both sounds have their beauty.  One is the sound of clean clothes--the other is a sound of God's creation.  So far....I like today.



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