Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Have car today...will travel...

I've got the car and my son and I are going to go and have a day out of the house!  We are ready to be away from number 29.  We're somewhat bored and need a change, so off we will go.  Where?  Hmmm....if I know my son, and I do, we will end up somewhere where he can buy a new BB gun. 

Last evening he and my husband went to a gun safety class at our church.  This has sparked his interest about having a new gun.  His has been broke for a long while, so I know that Dick's or Bass Pro Shop will be on the agenda....sigh...  A mother's gotta do what a mother's gotta do. :)

I will probably just let him pick the places, but I am sure that he will be a gentleman and let me go to some places I enjoy, too.  Although it cannot be but so much fun for him to go to JoAnn Fabrics, Trader Joes, Michael's, farmer markets and such...so I am really not going to press it this time.  He has no one to play with this week, so mom has to step up to the plate.  That is what mom's do...of course, none of this will happen if his chores are not completed. Training comes first.

Yesterday, he helped me in the kitchen.

I had enough tomatoes to finally can some tomato sauce, so he helped stir while I did some other chores.  He looks thrilled, don't ya think?  Teehee... I believe it is important for him to know how to can and preserve food, so I have to train him in some of these "domestic arts"...at least that is my goal.  I think the results of this domestic art lesson turned out quite lovely.

My son has more responsibilities than usual this summer, but this is a good thing. He helps watch children at my biweekly Ladies Bible Study and he is taking our neighbor's English Bulldog puppy outside a couple times a day.  Both of these are paid positions.  Now, I need to train him that just because you have some money...does not mean you have to spend it all!!!  How can two misers give birth to a spender?  Amazing!

Well, that is it for now...


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