Monday, March 4, 2013

Day 1...

Today is Day 1!   Day 1 of what you may ask...well, I will tell you.

I am truly starting my spring cleaning.  The kitchen is going to be the first room.  I need to get my oven fixed and I cannot allow anyone to see how I have let things go!  Well, anyone that is going to come in and work on my dirty stove, on my dirty floor and in my dirty kitchen.  I don't mind posting a picture here...because you are not going to get up close and personal and I am not going to post up close and personal pictures of my sludge...  But, you will get the idea of what I am up against.

You can get an idea from this picture that I have not been cleaning as I should.  I have always said it is easier to clean a clean house than to clean a dirty one.  It amazes me how OCD I used to be about my home and then menopause hit, as well as, problems with my daughter and out went the nice, organized, neat and clean home that was the normal for me and my family.  I just have to get things cleaned and dejunked!  This is not glorifying my LORD nor is it good for my family.  So, today is Day 1 of spring cleaning!  (I even gave up coffee time with a dear friend this morning...but I am going to persevere!)

The next item on the Day 1 list is....Juicing for Jesus!!!  Yes, ladies, I am beginning a juice fast.  I have had this on my heart for about a year now.  I have felt the need to draw nearer to my God and King.  There are several scenerios playing out in my life and I cannot handle them on my own.  I need JESUS!!!  

One of the scenerios is of course my weight.  It must come off for my health's sake.  I have injured my knee and I cannot Zumba for the time being, so this juicing fast is going to help with this...I pray.  I got the idea from "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead".  A film by Joe Cross that I watched on  I am a follower of Jesus so I am fasting for His answers, but this fast has extreme health benefits, too.  

Another reason I am fasting is for God's grace and protection during the furloughs my husband has to take due to Sequestration.  My husband is a federal employee, so 20% of his income has to be cut by federal order.  Our belts are already tight, but God will provide and I need Him to see, through this fast, that I am going to rely on Him and His grace and mercy throughout this trial.

My son and his education and future is another reason for my being led to fast.  He is really not learning in our homeschool...The way I think he should.  So, I am fasting for God to show me how to train up my son for His Glory and Seth's best interests.  I need to know how to teach him, what to teach him, how to encourage him and how to prepare him for a life without mom and dad.  Seth is a slow learner with learning disablities.  I want the very best for him and at the throne room of grace is where I will find the answers for my son.  I have so many people telling me what to do that my head is clouded.  So, this fast will clear my head, heart and ears..."Speak Lord, your servant listens."

Yet another scenerio that needs much prayer concerns my daughter...I don't think I need to go into much detail here, but my prayer is that she (and her husband) will truly live for God and God alone.  This would take so much of the stress and strain of life off them and both could have a productive life for His Glory!!!

My grandson is next!  PROTECTION, PROTECTION, PROTECTION!!!!  I feel as though I am the only family member that honestly prays for this little boy.  I love him so much and I just have to storm the gates of Heaven for his sake, too.  

There are other areas that I will be praying about as well,  Israel, prophecy fulfillment and other requests as they come up.  

So this is a big Day 1.  

Praise God from whom all blessings flow!  

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